Reduce and Optimize your Cybersecurity
Toolset Total Cost of Ownership

How SynerComm’s technology sourcing and licensing services deliver better ROI and optimize total cost of ownership (TCO).

Budgets aren’t growing in lock step with the expanding digital landscape you need to protect from threats. While cybersecurity is a key priority for many organizations, it’s just as critical to secure tangible ROI on cybersecurity spend, with a goal to optimize or even reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO).

We can help you with the full lifecycle of security technology acquisition, including selection criteria, POCs, architectural, deployment, operationalization, tuning and troubleshooting.

Every Business Needs a Trusted
Security Partner

Assess Expenditures
and ROI

Our team will look at the bigger picture of your expenditures, existing team, gaps in your security or resources, and inconsistencies in your past deployments or projects. We’ll work to eliminate gaps and duplication, giving you seamless cybersecurity that optimizes your security spend and access to our Asset Management Portal.

Access the Best

From examining threats you face to identifying unique compliance challenges, SynerComm works with you to select the exact right services and solutions to harden your cybersecurity posture and protect your business.

Enjoy White-Glove

As a trusted security partner, we’ll give you a clear and actionable overview of where you’re at and where you’re looking to be across solutions, technology sourcing, and even staffing and support. You’ll never need to guess what comes next, and you’ll have logistics, deployment, and advisory support that gives you peace of mind and brings simplicity to the task of protecting your business.

Let SynerComm be the trusted security partner helping you chart the course of protecting your organization and optimizing your cybersecurity expenditures for maximum ROI and effectiveness.

Our extensive IT knowledge, logistics experience, and white-glove approach to service will give you a customer experience unlike any other. Request your consultation today.

A Holistic Look at TCO:

The Key to a Better Approach

Hard Costs

We look at the tangible, direct costs that impact your TCO. Things like:

  • Hardware Software and applications
  • Services you’re paying for, from security consulting to tech support
  • Staffing for your internal security teams or to bring in support via contractors/consultancies

Soft Costs

We help you assess the impact and value of varying, indirect costs that impact TCO. Things like:

  • How effective your staff can be with your current solutions
  • The efficiency you’re getting from your current solutions
  • Time and costs for deployments and projects, as well as project management time and expense

Choose a security partner with the expertise and understanding to help you measure and truly understand your current TCO, and the solutions know-how and problem-solving skills to help you optimize it.