It’s here, it’s bad, and it’s time to fight back

Let SynerComm be your secret weapon in the fight against ransomware

SynerComm’s portfolio of services will equip your team and your business to be prepared against evolving, pervasive ransomware.

Ransomware attacks pose a constant and ongoing threat to businesses, and we don’t just mean newsworthy attacks like the Colonial Pipeline. Today, two-thirds of organizations have been affected by ransomware, and that number is expected to get worse in the years to come.

SynerComm helps you step beyond basic measures like vulnerability scanning to embrace a holistic way to fight ransomware. Our approach?

Holistic cybersecurity requires an integrated approach that offers proactive prevention, threat-informed detection, and a quick, decisive response.

Get Better Context and Deeper Expertise

The SynerComm team has the decades of experience, training, and respected certifications necessary to work hand-in-hand with your team and equip you to fight dormant ransomware effectively. We’ll walk through every weakness, vulnerability, and misconfiguration in your system—providing a consultative approach that builds your knowledge and arms your team and systems against the pervasive ransomware threat facing today’s businesses.

Vulnerability Scanning Is No Longer Enough

As tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) evolve, so too must our tools. Rather than relying on limited approaches like vulnerability scanning, we capture risk with an integrated approach, uncovering applications, issues with password security or MFA, hidden assets, and more. Our holistic approach provides valuable context while uncovering vulnerabilities you didn’t know about.

We Mimic Real-World Attack Scenarios

SynerComm integrates services like penetration testing as a service (PTaaS) and detailed tabletop exercises to emulate the TTPs employed by threat actors and give your team a “criminal’s perspective” of your network weaknesses. With our Adversary Simulation, you’ll get a real-life, real-world depiction of how your current defenses withstand a ransomware attack, with detailed playbooks and findings to get you on the path to stronger perimeter security and ransomware resistance.

The Stakes Have Never Been Higher How SynerComm helps organizations fight ransomware and ensure long-term operational success.

A single ransomware attack can be deadly to some businesses. From days offline or with production shut down, to thousands of dollars in financial damages and long-term reputation damage, the stakes have never been higher for businesses facing the ransomware threat. With ransomware attacks surging and more than $1 billion paid out to ransomware gangs in 2023, now is the time to find a partner equipped and experienced enough to help arm your business against this growing threat.

SynerComm works with your business to observe and quantify your cyber risk level, audit your existing security and compliance stature, pentest your system regularly or as an ongoing service through our PTaaS services, and even simulate an adversary to put your systems through a real-life stress-test.

Connect with our team today and schedule your consultation to learn more about how we can help your organization build holistic strength against ransomware.