People are People, but Where Can You Find Them When You Need Them?

by | Mar 25, 2020 | Blog, Security Operations

Trying to find qualified IT infrastructure and security people?

We at SynerComm help companies successfully overcome that challenge every day, and so I suppose I suffer from the old adage: “to a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” While SynerComm heavily invests in facilitating the free exchange of information (e.g. this blog site, annual IT Summit events, free best practice and strategy analyses), sometimes you just need skilled, innovative expertise to solve nagging problems or to just get the job done. If that is not you right now, I invite you to join us at our many information-exchange events. If, on the other hand, you would like to read about how other companies are overcoming their staffing challenges, please read on.

Many organizations are struggling to plan, build, implement, and support wide-scale remote access in support of social distancing and isolation. These projects are urgent and vital, but they are not your only projects planned or in flight. You are still researching new and more efficient business solutions, developing new revenue-generating applications, and building out more revenue-supporting capacity. On top of that, you are continuously and simultaneously operating, administering, maintaining, supporting, and securing everything that is already in production!

IT organizations were overloaded; do we stand a chance today? Failure is not an option, and we can all use some help now and then; many organizations need help right now! SynerComm has a long history of partnering with customers to overcome these challenges. Unlike traditional Staff Augmentation, where you get one person, full-time, for some number of months, SynerComm offers a refreshing alternative: FlexIT.


Flex IT

With FlexIT, you get a pool of hours from SynerComm that provides primary highly qualified, full-time resources who are backed up and augmented by secondary highly skilled resources as needed. FlexIT ensures that your projects and support demands are met, even in the face of PTO, unexpected illnesses, and demand bursts. When the project completes, or the need for support subsides, the “flex” in FlexIT kicks in again:  you terminate the engagement when the time is right for you. When and if you need more help, SynerComm will be there for you.

Our customers leverage FlexIT to build out network and security infrastructure (on-premises and in the cloud, complex and simple, large and small). They use FlexIT to implement and validate security controls, including SIEM, Endpoint Detection & Response, Secure Anywhere Access, and Identity & Access Management. SynerComm’s customers benefit from FlexIT to build information security programs and validate the effectiveness of deployed controls. Perhaps most importantly, our customers have relied on FlexIT to ensure Continuity of Operations when faced with the short or long-term loss of critical staff.

Let’s face it, the fact is that you do not always need a full complement of IT solutions and security architects, consultants, and engineers. However, occasionally everyone needs a little help. When those needs arise, when failure is not an option, contact SynerComm. We can match you up with the right FlexIT team from among our diverse and experienced technology and security experts, and for exactly as long as you need. SynerComm can also assist you with flexible, part-time ongoing administration and maintenance support, and even with finding full-time employees. We love being part of the solution for our customers, turning seemingly insurmountable problems into wild successes!