Another M365 email outage... seriously just Google it... there are even multiple websites that monitor and tell you there is an outage but there is nothing you can do about it… or is there? Whether...
Time to Upgrade from Outdated Managed Vulnerability Scanning to Continuous Attack Surface Management
Warning: This blog contains purposeful marketing and gratuitous plugs for SynerComm’s CASM™ Subscription services. Seriously though, the following article will present the need for better external...
In Scope or Out of Scope?
In penetration testing, it’s important to have an accurate scope and even more important to stick to it. This can be simple when the scope is limited to a company’s internet service provider (ISP)...
Empowering Your Project Manager: The Benefits of an IT Focused Approach to Logistics
One of the things I have noticed while working at SynerComm over the years is that while most companies have employees on staff who possess the necessary technical knowledge to complete their...
The Benefits of a Partnership Built on Trust
Why Trust is Essential Our valuable experience is both deep and broad. We have extensive experience with IT infrastructure, security, operations, management, and logistics, allowing us to serve our...
Penetration Testing Myths, Truths, & Best Practices
SynerComm partnered with ChannelBytes to present 60 minute session where we discuss what it means to do quality, modern penetration testing in 2020. Penetration testing is a core part of the...
SynerComm Reboots a Security Staple with ‘Continuous’ Pentesting
Participating in Black Hat USA 2020, we sat down with Dark Reading where our own Brian Judd, VP Information Assurance discusses how we are innovating and evolving penetration testing. See more at...
Incorporating Your Lessons Learned for Pandemic Contingency Planning Considerations
Although contingency planning has a healthy focus on technology, it still requires people to interface with that technology, configure and program the technology so that it will perform some...
We’ll get through this; how will it make us stronger? Make COVID-19 “lessons learned” a priority
The COVID-19 event, obviously, has had a wide-reaching negative impact for the entire country. Despite this, even in the face of the trauma linked to the loss of loved ones, we will eventually...
Building a Pwnagotchi
What is a Pwnagotchi? From the Website: Pwnagotchi is an A2C-based “AI” powered by bettercap and running on a Raspberry Pi Zero W that learns from its surrounding WiFi environment in order to...