The Benefits of a Partnership Built on Trust

by | Oct 22, 2020 | Blog, Security Operations

Why Trust is Essential

Our valuable experience is both deep and broad. We have extensive experience with IT infrastructure, security, operations, management, and logistics, allowing us to serve our customers’ entire spectrum of IT lifecycle needs.

Our customers know they can count on us for sound advice and concrete, value‐added solutions. They have come to expect consistently careful, time‐appropriate approaches to each project that allow them to maximize their chances of success regardless of project size or complexity. From large, complicated projects with many moving parts to small but vital support activities, our customers know that we are there for them every step of the way.

Our team has worked hard to cultivate this culture, and it has benefited us in many ways, driving us to earn the status of trusted advisor to every customer with whom we are lucky enough to partner. Our team continues to be grateful to our customers, who allow us to grow through their continued business as well as sincere, unsolicited referrals.

How SynerComm Builds Trusting Relationships

Our team begins every project by listening to our customers carefully and hearing their asks. This listen‐first approach allows us to work with purpose, seeking and confirming our understanding of our customer’s challenges by bringing questions and ideas to the table. Our customer interactions are guided by and benefit from the depth and breadth of our knowledge in both the IT infrastructure and logistics spheres. We have extensive experience designing, building, and supporting IT infrastructure and operations for customers in a wide variety of industries and verticals.

Instead of spending our time “selling” ourselves to our customers and prospects, we focus our energies on investing in the right solutions for our customers and letting our excellent work speak for itself.

We apply this same customer‐focused approach to our new ImplementIT service, which allows us to use SynerComm’s technology, infrastructure, security, operations, and logistics expertise on our customer’s behalf. We create and implement innovative solutions for their unique and challenging problems. We learn as we execute and are always ready to adapt quickly to changing circumstances.

There is no such thing as a one‐size‐fits‐all deployment, which is why we don’t offer one‐size‐fits‐all solutions. To create your perfect, custom solution, we adapt our efficient, knowledgeable, experienced approaches to address your project’s unique requirements. Our ability to consistently apply our broad and deep expertise when working with our customers to plan, execute, and manage large‐scale deployment projects successfully has allowed SynerComm to become a trusted advisor to our valued customers. Our unique ability to effectively combine our experience, expertise, and detail‐orientated approach to business sets us apart from the competition.

The SynerComm Approach

Our ability to combine our extensive IT knowledge with our logistics experience makes SynerComm unique and gives us the tools we need to handle even the most challenging deployment. This expertise, paired with our dedication to white‐glove service, offers an unparalleled customer experience.

White-Glove Service: So Much More than Just a Checklist

Many companies claim to offer “white‐glove service,” offering a rigid set of one‐size‐fits‐all processes and procedures that allow them to check off items on a checklist. Our approach is different. We value our customer relationships immensely and think of our customers as part of the team. We are driven by a deeply seeded and pervasive culture that drives us to always do right by each and every customer. White‐glove is more than a checklist; it’s a way of conducting business that governs every aspect of our company. Our white‐glove philosophy guides our selection, development, and retention employee processes. It allows us to best leverage our team’s critical skills and expertise as well as those of our trusted technology partners.

Our white‐glove philosophy determines how we structure, motivate, and manage our teams, as well as how we advocate on behalf of our customers and maintain high levels of communication. This philosophy is fueled by our passion for freely and transparently sharing our knowledge and expertise.

All of our ImplementIT customers benefit from the same white‐glove approach for which SynerComm is known. Like all the work we do, all ImplementIT projects are built on collaboration and transparency, from development to implementation. We pride ourselves on making sure our ImplementIT customers never have to wonder how their project is progressing. We provide continual updates via real‐time and scheduled interactions, which are supported by a combination of detailed and summarized graphical and tabular reporting. This ensures our customers always know our team is on top of the project’s risks and issues. If we do encounter obstacles or challenges, we will actively work to get the project back on track and ensure a successful outcome. We work hard to efficiently handle every task and create affordablevalue‐added solutions on reasonable timelines by leveraging our company culture built on communication, collaboration, and healthy relationships.

Specialized Logistics & IT Knowledge

Our extensive and specialized knowledge of IT infrastructure benefits our customers in many ways, including allowing us to optimize schedules and improve our accuracy. SynerComm has a history of developing automation solutions for large projects that dramatically improves the speed, consistency, and accuracy of both testing and validation. Our familiarity with a wide variety of vendors and technologies helps us minimize errors and helps ensure the right equipment has been processed and shipped. This familiarity, along with our attention to detail, is critical because sometimes there are only subtle differences in part numbers between vastly different pieces of equipment.

We also have a great deal of experience shipping and supporting technology all over the world. Our work has allowed us to build up an extensive experience and knowledge base and develop healthy and strategic partnerships with companies worldwide, which we can leverage to best help our customers. Though few of our customers already had strong international shipping capabilities before partnering with us and rely on us for validation and confidence. However, most of our customers rarely need to ship equipment internationally, allowing them to access our wealth of experience whenever international shipping is required.

Our concerted effort to build trusting relationships with our customers and partners has served us well. Here are four scenarios where that trust was integral to getting the job done, maximizing efficiency, minimizing costs, and getting it done right.

Case Study One: The Difference Trust Makes

One of our customers, a large retail chain, had experienced a multitude of challenges in the past whenever they tried to deploy new technologies in their retail locations and distribution centers. These challenges, including problems with communication and coordination between the head office and retail locations, hardware that arrived in an unusable state, and a variety of lost shipments, had made deployments a headache for this customer. A better approach was needed.

Issues such as these are one of the most common reasons deployments experience significant delays and unnecessarily high hardware costs and create conflict between the corporate and retail location teams. Frustrated with their current approach and impressed by our previous successes with similar projects, this client decided to approach SynerComm for help.

We were able to model our ImplementIT approach and collaborate closely with the customer, creating a detailed proposal. By listening carefully to the customer’s past challenges, we developed specific processes, procedures, and communication plans designed to overcome these challenges and deploy the project smoothly. Given the client’s previously poor deployment experiences, we also took additional measures to account for any possible delays or issues; this included purchasing 7% more equipment than was necessary and budgeting twice as much time to complete the project as we usually would.

With our plan in place, SynerComm was able to successfully deploy the new network infrastructure across approximately 2100 retail locations in both north and central America. The entire deployment took only five months, and no equipment was lost or damaged. Our customer ultimately recovered cost by returning the extra gear they purchased and repurposing staff to other projects. Like all projects, there were challenges. No large project is ever completely free of risks and issues. However, our team remained accountable to the client and shouldered the responsibility of identifying and addressing potential risks and issues so they could be mitigated and minimized.

As a company, we don’t believe in finger‐pointing, just solutions. Our professional, white‐glove approach made a measurable difference for this large retailer and has raised their expectations and standards for all future deployment projects.

Case Study Two: When Building a Trusting Relationship is Challenging

Building a relationship built on trust takes both time and dedication and isn’t always easy. One example of a time it was difficult for us to gain a customer’s trust involved working with a large, international manufacturing organization. This organization needed help with a global deployment of an IPS (intrusion prevention system) solution and solicited bids from several companies. Though SynerComm was not one of the initial companies invited to submit a proposal, we had a strong existing relationship with this customer that had developed over time as they leverage other SynerComm services. Because of our existing relationship, we learned of their need and asked to join the bidding process. Though the customer permitted it, they warned us that they were also considering many long‐standing deployment services partners, so our chance of winning the contract was slim.

While the other companies’ bids relied on proposals based solely on what the customer had asked for, we decided to take a different approach. We developed a solution model in a spreadsheet format that allowed for variables to be changed and gave the customer immediate insight into how those changes would impact the project’s cost, quality, and schedule. By collaborating within the solution model, our team built a rapport with the customer by showing them, interactively and in real‐time, how they could change potential solution options and deliverables and gain immediate insight into how those changes would affect the project.

The customer was incredibly impressed and immediately saw the value of our approach and process, which allowed them to learn, develop, and evaluate potential alternative approaches to communications, coordination, shipping, tracking, reporting, and managing international technology deployments.

Our unique and insightful approach meant SynerComm went from being a long‐shot to being the front runner and caused the client to rethink their approach to the project. In light of the insight and flexibility that SynerComm demonstrated, our customer asked all of the other bidders to resubmit proposals. The proposals were to be reworked to align with the approach the customer and our team had developed together.

SynerComm ended up winning the contract, but in the end, both SynerComm and the customer were winners. We were able to help the customer save time and money while eliminating most of the fear, uncertainty, and doubt that frequently accompanies large‐scale technology deployments. Because of the innovative, flexible, and responsive solution we brought to the table, SynerComm is now on the shortlist of partners this customer trusts to deliver projects at this scale. Since completing that first ImplementIT engagement, this customer has called upon our team to assist them with a variety of different international deployment and support projects.

Case Studies Three and Four: Having a Trusted Advisor is a Huge Asset for Any Organization

Our customers rely on us for more than just IT solutions; many also consider us trusted advisors. Knowing we have their best interests at heart, many customers seek our advice on logistics and IT. Our assistance helps customers assess potential improvements to their approach and handling of projects and tasks.

One customer had traditionally purchased all equipment for each project in the country the solution was to be deployed. While this strategy’s goal was to offset the perceived expense of international shipping, tariffs, and related costs, this approach caused expensive inconsistencies, necessitated reorders, and created a need for multiple site visits by IT resources. With help from SynerComm, this customer now purchases all of their equipment from American manufacturers, relying on our experienced team for staging, validation, and coordination of field deployments. This new approach has reduced the customer’s costs and allowed them to benefit from deterministic outcomes.

Another customer who operates, administers, and maintains equipment in hundreds of field offices across the United States. Historically this customer received all field office equipment upgrades at their headquarters. A team of IT professionals then managed the configuration, staging, testing, storing, and shipping process on a project‐by‐project basis. This process caused a variety of inconsistencies and problems with communication, inventory management, and field rework. To help streamline their deployments, this company now relies on SynerComm to manage and maintain all of their inventory, staging, and shipping processes so that they can focus their attention on value‐adding communication and coordination activities between their headquarters and field offices.

Both logistics and IT can be challenging, and having the right partner can mean the difference between a smooth, successful deployment and a deployment riddled with problems and delays. No matter how large or small your deployment is, you need to know that you can trust your logistics and IT partner to provide you with tailored solutions, sound advice, and trustworthy white‐glove service. For more information about how ImplementIT can make your next deployment stress‐free or get started on your next project, please visit our page.