Continuous Penetration Testing

Validate Vulnerabilities that Create Business Risks with Continuous Penetration Testing (CPT)

Continuous testing ensures ongoing protection by identifying and mitigating risks in real-time. SynerComm’s proactive approach safeguards business continuity and reduces potential financial losses.

Pentesting Can’t be Automated

Penetration testers will be the first to tell you that pentesting can’t be automated. Trust the experts! At SynerComm we automate the pentest tools than can be automated safely and continue to use our expert penetration testers for the rest.

For many companies, point-in-time penetration testing is no longer sufficient.

Better Data, Better Playbooks, Better Defense

A unique benefit of good penetration testing is that there are no false-positives. Pentests actually attempt to exploit vulnerabilities and the evidence is included in the findings. SynerComm’s findings provide executives with the contextual risk information necessary to make decisions and sufficient technical detail for IT teams to mitigate and remediate the identified vulnerabilities.

As the threat landscape changes, SynerComm’s Continuous Penetration Test adapts. We’re constantly adding new “pentest tools” to our CASM platform and updating our pentest Playbooks to cover all modern threats. We monitor what’s being exploited in the wild to ensure our clients are quickly evaluated against the latest attacks. When we’re not testing for the latest attack, our pentesters perform tests from our 100+ playbooks looking for common risks and exposures.

With Continuous Penetration Testing, our penetration testers become an extension of your team. A unique benefit of PTaaS is having on-demand access to evaluate new assets and to speak with expert pentesters about your concerns.

What CASM Does for Your Cybersecurity

Closing Gaps and Changing the Game

Daily Assessments, Constant Enhancements

SynerComm’s CASM platform runs dozens of scanners, continually hunting for potential vulnerabilities so they can be validated by our expert penetration testers.

Cross-Industry Benchmarking

All SynerComm clients benefit from the insights and best practices gained through working with numerous clients across many industries.

Validated Pentest Findings

Say goodbye to false positives. Our pentesters only write findings after their exploit and severity are verified.


SynerComm’s findings are specific to your systems and include everything you need to understand and remediate the vulnerability.

Beyond Automation – Pentest Playbooks

For everything that can’t (or shouldn’t) be automated, our pentesters do the rest. Including emergency playbooks for late breaking attacks and post-exploitation pentesting.

Powered by

CASM is designed by our expert pentesters to ensure efficiency and effectiveness, providing you with the convenience of having PTaaS, EASM, and vulnerability management all in one platform.

Learn how CPT can position you for stronger long-term security and better, higher return on investment.

Why Choose SynerComm for CPT

Our CASM platform provides a complete solution for external security challenges. AI-powered, it integrates seamlessly with your workflows, delivering rich data and actionable reports to empower your security team.

Our OSCP/CISSP certified consultants offer a full range of testing tactics, uncovering vulnerabilities across your systems. Get clear summaries and concrete steps to improve your security posture with measurable results.

Answering Your Questions:

Continuous Penetration Testing FAQs

How does continuous penetration testing work?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.  

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

What are the main benefits of continuous penetration testing?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

What tools and technologies are used in continuous penetration testing?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

How is CPT different from traditional penetration testing?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

What are some best practices for continuous penetration testing?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

How can I ensure my continuous penetration testing program is effective?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

What compliance standards does CPT adhere to?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

What are the risks of not implementing CPT?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

What resources do I need for CPT?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

How do I get started with continuous penetration testing?

CPT is pentesting with the benefit of regular inspection across all public-facing assets, with quick notification around actionable findings. SynerComm’s CPT offering starts with a rigorous upfront pentest to establish your baseline and all current vulnerabilities.

After that, you can expect a regular mixture of automated, human/pentester-led playbooks, event-driven response, and more that gives you an ongoing picture of your vulnerabilities and risks. And your CPT subscription gives you the benefit of access to our CASM platform, supporting all of your automated testing activities and offering an intuitive interface that will give you deep insight into your assets and risk. Seamless integrations, single-pane-of-glass functionality, and clear communication of action plans is what you can always expect with SynerComm’s CPT.

Strong security requires constant vigilance.

Let CASM and Continuous Penetration Testing empower your security
and keep you two steps ahead of the adversary.